Studies suggest that the administration of 100% oxygen in diving related incidents help flush extra nitrogen from the bloodstream as well as re-oxygenate tissues that may be suffering from poor blood flow. Oxygen should, however, be administered by those with training to handle the equipment and understand the effects of the treatment.
Students will learn to safely handle oxygen equipment and the various methods of administering oxygen to injured divers. Your instructor will also explain the benefits of oxygen usage and the various parameters that should be followed when dealing with high percentages of oxygen. Also, students will learn about the physiology of respiration and circulation as well as decompression illness.
Divers must complete the PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider workbook that accompanies the course prior to attending the lecture and practical session.
There are no set age or prior certification requirements for this course.
Course: $199 (includes course materials, instruction costs, and certification fees)
Can be scheduled privately by request.
Contact Pan Aqua for more information!